The Teach Me Academy Trainings for
Teach Me America
Recalibrating your Thinking Process to Maximize
Revenues and Optimize your Trainings
Welcome to your front row seat TO EXPERTS TRAINING EXPERTS.
Let The Teach Me Academy (“TTMA”) Optimize your Trainings and Business education through our unique
Teach Me America (“TMA”) programs so you are the expert in all that you do!
Remember our mantra: LEARN, CREATE, & IMPLEMENT so let’s look at the TMA training through that prism.
TMA is focused on real life business, contracts, negotiations, opportunities, problems, and resolutions.
So we are 100% about EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING from over three decades of doing it.
We focus on the HOW TO’s of business, not the book theories that lack the true experiences,
including the failures you need to hear and learn from.
Put on your seatbelt friends because TMA is bringing you dozens of years of “intellectual capital”
, experience, and expertise that you can leverage to make your business successful.
We are actively developing over 100 courses with hundreds of lessons in development so there is
training in a vast amount of industries and topics and we include EXPERTS from the United States and
Contracts, Structure, & Culture Clash
Contact Now and Get Empowered
Online Education is the trillion dollar industry
After attending the TEACH ME AMERICA TRAINING programs you will have the ability to think correctly and professionally about legal issues concerning your company and business goals including many strategies and implementation techniques we
have used successfully around the world, such as:
• Legal Planning and implementation of your launch and business development
• Risk-analysis evaluation with
• protecting your legal rights
• Corporate innovation strategies
• Innovation strategies
• Master mind courses
• Disruption strategies
• Operations
• Technology
• Intellectual property
• Business empowerment and legal planning

• Legal Business model frameworks with Real Estate Investing USA and
• Avoiding scams and illegal conduct
• Proper legal structures
• Hiring strategies
• Contract Laws that differ between United States and other countries
• Understanding the correct legal “thinking process” for doing business – in America
• Contemporary leadership theories and practice
• Legal perspectives on decision making in complex organization with
critical thinking
• Social, political, and behavioral models in which business
organizations operate
I was once tasked to put together topics and courses for Beijing and other European Universities including just last week for the European Union. The task was designed to teach the Chinese and European executives and MBA/law students an understanding of how to do business in America.
It took me 6 months but I ended up creating 27 separate MBA trainings based on my three decades of practicing law and business in the United States, as well as 10 other countries. When I finished I realized that what I had created was the TEACH ME AMERICA ACADEMY for Americans as well as all international businesses and students that wanted to know how to do business here.
Welcome to TMA! Time to start learning and putting your own skill sets to work and making you money.
For all updates please click here to the site and click on to the “TMA Courses launching soon and others in development for 2022”.
We look forward to seeing you soon and teaching you how to Recalibrate your Business Thinking to drive your company to maximum success!
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E- Course Creation Bullet Points
We will train you on a myriad of brands and industries while involving
Experts like Top Female Innovators and International Influencers,
Entertainment Experts, Financial Pros. Making Money and Growing it,
Access to Cash Secrets, and many more which you can see attached at this
site under the title of: “TMA Courses launching in 2022”.